Digital Grainger

An Online Edition of The Sugar-Cane (1764)


  • The task how difficult, to cull the best
  • From thwarting sentiments; and best adorn
  • What Wisdom chuses, in poetic garb!
  • Yet, Inspiration, come: the theme unsung, [300]
  • Whence never poet cropt one bloomy wreath;
  • Its vast importance to my native land,
  • Whose sweet idea rushes on my mind,
  • And makes me ‘mid this paradise repine;
  • Urge me to pluck, from Fancy’s soaring wing, [305]
  • A plume to deck Experience’ hoary brow.

  • ATTEND.——The son of Time and Truth declares;
  • Unless the low-hung clouds drop fatness down,
  • No bunching plants of vivid green will spring,
  • In goodly ranks, to fill the planter’s eye. [310]
  • Let then Sagacity, with curious ken,1
  • Remark the various signs of future rain.
  • The signs of rain, the Mantuan Bard2 hath sung
  • In loftiest numbers; friendly to thy swains,
  • Once fertile Italy: but other marks [315]
  • Portend the approaching shower, in these hot climes.

  • SHORT sudden rains, from Ocean’s ruffled bed,
  • Driven by some momentary squalls, will oft
  • With frequent heavy bubbling drops, down-fall;
  1. Range of vision. ↩︎

  2. Virgil was born in the Italian provice of Mantua. ↩︎