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An Online Edition of The Sugar-Cane (1764)


  • Ere thy tops, trusted to the mountain-land, [455]
  • Commence their jointing: but four moons suffice
  • To bring to puberty the low-land Cane.

  • IN plants, in beasts, in man’s imperial race,
  • An alien mixture meliorates the breed;
  • Hence Canes, that sickened dwarfish on the plain, [460]
  • Will shoot with giant-vigour on the hill.
  • Thus all depends on all; so God ordains.
  • Then let not man for little selfish ends,
  • (Britain, remember this important truth;)
  • Presume the principle to counteract [465]
  • Of universal love; for God is love,
  • And wide creation shares alike his care.

  • ‘TIS said by some, and not unletter’d they,
  • That chief the Planter, if he wealth desire,
  • Should note the phases of the fickle moon. [470]
  • On thee, sweet empress of the night, depend
  • The tides; stern Neptune1 pays his court to thee;
  • The winds, obedient at thy bidding shift,
  • And tempests rise or fall; even lordly man,
  • Thine energy controls.——Not so the Cane; [475]
  • The Cane its independency may boast,
  • Tho’ some less noble plants thine influence own.
  1. Roman god of the sea. ↩︎