Digital Grainger

An Online Edition of The Sugar-Cane (1764)


  • Labour immense! and yet, if small the pest;
  • If numerous, if industrious be thy gang;
  • At length, thou may’st the victory obtain. [250]
  • But, if the living taint be far diffus’d,
  • Bootless1 this toil; nor will it then avail
  • (Tho’ ashes lend their suffocating aid)
  • To bare the broad roots, and the mining swarms
  • Expose, remorseless, to the burning noon. [255]
  • Ah! must then ruin desolate the plain?
  • Must the lost planter other climes explore?
  • Howe’er reluctant, let the hoe uproot
  • The infected Cane-piece; and, with eager flames,
  • The hostile myriads thou to embers turn: [260]
  • Far better, thus, a mighty loss sustain,
  • Which happier years and prudence may retrieve;
  • Than risque thine all. As when an adverse storm,
  • Impetuous, thunders on some luckless ship,
  • From green St. Christopher, or Cathäy bound: [265]
  • Each nautic art the reeling seamen try:
  • The storm redoubles: death rides every wave:
  • Down by the board the cracking masts they hew;
  • And heave their precious cargo in the main.

VER. 265. Cathäy] An old name for China.

  1. Useless, unprofitable. ↩︎