Digital Grainger

An Online Edition of The Sugar-Cane (1764)


  • AH me, what thunders roll! the sky’s on fire!
  • Now sudden darkness muffles up the pole!
  • Heavens! what wild scenes, before the affrighted sense,
  • Imperfect swim!—See! in that flaming scroll, [655]
  • Which Time unfolds, the future germs bud forth,
  • Of mighty empires! independent realms!——
  • And must Britannia, Neptune’s favourite queen,1
  • Protect’ress of true science, freedom, arts;
  • Must she, ah! must she, to her offspring crouch? [660]
  • Ah, must my Thames, old Ocean’s favourite son,
  • Resign his trident to barbaric streams;
  • His banks neglected, and his waves unsought,
  • No bards to sing them, and no fleets to grace?——
  • Again the fleecy clouds amuse the eye, [665]
  • And sparkling stars the vast horizon gild—
  • She shall not crouch; if Wisdom guide the helm,
  • Wisdom that bade loud Fame, with justest praise,
  • Record her triumphs! bade the lacquaying winds2
  • Transport, to every quarter of the globe, [670]
  • Her winged navies! bade the scepter’d sons
  • Of earth acknowledge her pre-eminence!—
  • She shall not crouch; if these Cane ocean-isles,
  • Isles which on Britain for their all depend,
  1. A reference to Britain’s status as the premier naval power during the eighteenth century. ↩︎

  2. Winds that follow or serve. ↩︎